Full Size Soccer Goals

Full Size Soccer Goals

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Full size soccer goals - just as important as the soccer ball itself.

No soccer without full size soccer goals

Size, weight and equipment of a full size soccer goal

Sull size soccer goals, i.e. those soccer goals that are used for a normal sized soccer field / large field, have a height of 2.44 meters and a width of 7.32 meters. This standardized dimension is determined by the soccer association. As a rule, not only competition goals, but also youth goals and training goals are of this size.

The weight of full size soccer goal also depends on whether it has a ground frame or not. The floor frame or a tilt protection prevents it from tipping over. The material used, usually robust aluminum, is relatively light in weight. The goal profile of a full size soccer goals is rounded, a so-called oval profile, and fully welded so that safety can be guaranteed.

Securing and stabilizing full size soccer goals

Soccer goals differ in terms of the type of installation and the type of net suspension, e.g. through a SimplyFix net attachment. When setting up, there are goals that are built up using ground sockets. To do this, the ground sockets are anchored in the ground and the goal posts are then placed in them. Mobile soccer goals, on the other hand, are not fixed in the ground, but can be transported. They can be moved with the help of transport wheels or by simply carrying them. A tilt protection also ensures a stable stand here.

The respective soccer goal nets can either be stretched backwards using appropriate net hoops / net hooks or with a free net device using synthetic fiber cord and thus enable knotless installation. The nets of full size soccer goals are usually made of a synthetic fiber material such as nylon and this ensures a long service life. The nets can have a net depth depending on the full size soccer goal.

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