Battle Ropes

Battle Ropes

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Battle Ropes - functional fitness training - cross training - with high quality battle ropes, fitness ropes, aqua ropes and accessories

Fitness rope and battle rope - effective indoor and outdoor training

Battle Rope is an absolutely functional strength and endurance training. The workout with the Battle Rope is currently one of the most effective, functional training devices. The trend sport with the fitness rope originally comes from the USA. All you need to train with the new training rope is a battle rope and some space. The classic Battle Rope is a 15-30 meter rope or rope made of synthetic hemp. The Battle Rope can be used for indoor and outdoor training. There are countless training opportunities outdoors with the rope: the battle rope can easily be placed around a tree trunk or you can attach the rope to a post. The battle can begin with the rope

If there is no rope attachment option, the rope can be attached with a special rope anchor or a special fitness rope holder. In order to use the fitness rope on the sports field or lawn, there are special Battle Rope lawn anchors. With the help of a rope wall bracket, you can train effectively with the Battle Rope. The Fitness Tau wall bracket also makes it possible to use the Battle Rope indoors. In a functional training area in the fitness studio, battle ropes should not be missing. Intensive group training with fitness rope is also possible. Up to 8 ropes can be attached to the Battle Rope platform.


Battle Rope Training - new generation functional strength training at Kübler Sport

No matter where you train, training with the sports rope is simple, effective and varied. The simplest fitness rope exercise is the so-called wave. Simply grab both ends of the rope, do not stretch the sports rope fully. Now swing the ropes with both arms at the same time. This rope exercise is called Parallel Wave among Battle Rope Professionals. With the Battle Rope Alternative Waves, the arms are moved up and down alternately to set the rope in motion. For both rope training exercises, the more waves you send with the battle rope towards the anchor point, the better. If you move the rope back and forth with your arms, the Battle Rope Parallel Waves quickly becomes another rope exercise, the Battle Rope Horizontal Waves.

Battle Ropes come in different diameters and lengths. The longer a fitness rope is, the more strenuous and difficult it is to get the fitness rope in motion. The ropes are also available in different weights. If you are looking for more variety in fitness tau training, the Aqua Rope is the right choice. The Fitness Tau Aqua Rope can be filled with water or sand, so you can always determine the optimal training weight of the rope yourself. Find the right rope, training rope, lay rope or sports rope, as well as the appropriate battle rope equipment in our online shop and order it conveniently with a click of the mouse.

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