Judo Scoreboards

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A scoreboard is essential in judo to keep track of the sporting events. A judo scoreboard shows the main information of the competition and thus increases the tension for the audience.

Judo scoreboard: Follow the competition in real time

What makes a professional judo scoreboard?

It is important to have a sufficiently large number of digits so that the viewer can easily read the display from a long distance. A scoreboard with LCD backlighting is also very pleasant and easy to read.

Basically, a distinction is made between fixed, mains operated and portable judo scoreboards with battery operation. The advantage of portable scoreboards is that they are network-independent and therefore suitable for mobile use. An accumulator/ battery acts as the electricity supplier, which can be recharged with a battery charger for further use. Most portable scoreboards come with a transport case, a battery charger, operating instructions and a foldable trolley.

The judo scoreboard as a high-tech device

A judo scoreboard is an electronic high-tech device and can be controlled and programmed via a control panel. This is located on the back of the scoreboard and can be folded up for transport. A good judo scoreboard, such as the CJF Judo scoreboard from Stramatel, allows at least the following displays:

  • Fight time
  • Rating
  • Penalty points
  • Osaekomi

A judo scoreboard should also have a horn for acoustic signals, such as the end of the fight time. Additional information such as the names of the fighters, a country code, the weight class or the number of penalties (Shido) can appear. Official competition displays must be equipped according to the current rules of the IJF.

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